Tag Archives: holistic chiropractor

Technology Overload May Be Adding to Your Stress — It’s Time to ‘Unplug!’

Going into what can become a stressful holiday season, it’s important that we know simple ways to de-stress. Jeffrey R. Ulery, D.C. of Austin Whole Body Health shares just how important “unplugging” can be:

by Jeffrey R. Ulery, D.C.

by Jeffrey R. Ulery, D.C.

Many studies show that constant stimulation from our smart phones and computers is creating huge amounts of stress. With every new experience or activity our brain shows new patterns of activity, and it is during downtime that we solidify them into a permanent memory of experience. When we stay constantly stimulated by television, smart phones and computers, we are preventing this process. Studies have shown that the constant stimulation we get while entertaining ourselves on our smart phones is actually taxing our brains, not relaxing them. Have trouble with your memory? This overstimulation stress could be a contributor, as it is well-documented that stress hormones have been shown to reduce short-term memory.

Because of our increasing addiction to information stimulation, there is a growing population of multitaskers who are unable to shut off their multi-tasking tendencies. This contributes to a variety of issues, particularly relational.

Armed with this information, it looks like we all need to work harder to pay attention to the people around us, exercise in a natural environment and take a break from technology so that our brains can process! We all need to remember, myself included, to turn our smart phones and computers off more.

To learn more about Dr. Ulery, visit http://austinwholebodyhealth.com.

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