Tag Archives: Booker T Washington

The Next Best Thing

Inspiration from the iGnite Archives


Point to Ponder:
Do you struggle with contentment, have trouble appreciating your life and/or find yourself always looking for the next best thing?

iGnite Neissa

by Neissa Brown Springmann

In an effort to fill my life with as much motivation and positive thinking as possible, I subscribe to inspirational and spiritual email services, read nurturing books, surround myself with “light-giving” people, spend time outside and try to exercise several times a week. One of the email newsletters I receive is called Simple Truths, and several times a week they send quotes, short videos and exerts from their books. Just this week I scrolled through one of the newsletters titled “Attitude is Everything.” Honestly, because this message has been drilled into my brain since as far back as I can remember, I initially disregarded it, as I knew it wasn’t going to be new information. This was “old hat” and the reality is that I was looking for cutting-edge wisdom — the latest and greatest that would knock my socks off.

Never-the-less, I reluctantly played the encouraging video and as I suspected there was nothing new. I had read and listened to these words hundreds of times, however because it was ageless wisdom and my life is always evolving, it actually blew my socks off, again! The words were relevant and a necessary way of thinking and living. I immediately became re-inspired and humbled, and it dawned on me that my way of thinking is what led Eve down the path of destruction. I was looking for the next best thing, the shiny and juicy red apple that would give me an advantage in life, but the truth is the old and simple stuff was plenty good. It was enough. In addition, good and bad habits are formed upon repetition and because the substance of the following inspiration by Simple Truth is vital to keeping a positive state of mind, I will continue to read, share, and try my best to live it. Here is what they suggest:

Wait to Worry
Only 8% of what we worry about comes true.
“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength.” ~ Charles Spurgeon

Keep an Attitude of Gratitude
Count your blessings and jot them down.
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” ~ William Arthur Ward

Your Health is Your Wealth
If you lose your health you lost everything. Take time to exercise, catch up on your sleep and eat right.
“One of the main qualities it takes to be successful is energy….it may be the only thing.” ~ Katharine Hepburn

Joy Boomerangs
Do something for someone else….the good you do boomerangs back to you!
“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” ~ Booker T. Washington

Learn to Say “No”
We have limits to our time, energy and interests.
“If we always say ‘yes,’ we run a greater danger of severing relationships than if we refuse right away.” ~ Vicki Hitzges

Understand the Power of Discipline
If you discipline yourself today, you’ll enjoy your life tomorrow.
“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Surround Yourself with Positive People
Find people who will challenge you, believe in your and inspire you to improve.
“To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” ~ David Viscott

All in all, I do think it is important to be open to learning and exploring new things. Knowledge is power and a key component of growth, however I also believe that most humans struggle with contentment (THAT’S ME!) which keeps us chasing the next best thing and in a perpetual state of wanting and needing more. Therefore, as we continue to seek new information, opportunities, and adventure, remember to not over-think it and keep it simple. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel and most often our most sacred treasures are right under our noses, like the bee pollinating the flower in the picture. While the bee is only a tiny little insect, they are the most efficient pollinators whose impact is incredible! Without them, many of the flowers we love would not exist, we would not be able to enjoy the deliciousness of honey as well as a long list of fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. However, because of that simple little critter, life is a whole lot sweeter, just as so many other “little things” in our life.

Action Item:
Practice contentment by taking a moment to stop, breathe and focus on your life: the tumultuous times you have overcome and the wisdom you thankfully gained from them; the struggles and inconveniences that you are currently enduring and the growth opportunities you are receiving from them; and the relationships, blessings and “little things” that you might often look past. In this busy, accomplishment-oriented and task-driven world we live in, take the time to focus on the “small things” and give thanks for the big impact they have had and currently have on your life.

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The Next Best Thing


We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.  ~ Frederick Keonig

Point To Ponder:
Are you in pursuit of the next best thing or latest and greatest cutting edge advantage on life? If so, remember that attitude is everything and most all of your needs, wants and blessings are near by.

Action Items:
Body- Appreciate your body for it’s unique and special qualities while avoiding the pitfall of comparison.

Mind- Practice contentment by creating a list of all of your blessings. Then, begin each day by reading this list, while also keeping it in a location that will allow you to see it regularly.

Spirit- Slow down this week and allow your spirit to experience the joys of exchanging a smile, opening a door and doing something nice for someone else, without the expectation of receiving anything in return.

by Neissa Springmann

by Neissa Springmann

In an effort to fill my life with as much motivation and positive thinking as possible, I subscribe to inspirational and spiritual email services, read nurturing books, surround myself with “light-giving” people and of course exercise outdoors. One of the email newsletters I receive is called Simple Truths, and several times a week they send quotes, short videos and exerts from their books. Just this week I scrolled through one of the newsletters titled “Attitude is Everything.” Honestly, because this message has been drilled into my brain since as far back as I can remember, I initially disregarded it, as I knew it wasn’t going to be new information. This was “old hat” and the reality is that I was looking for cutting- edge wisdom- the latest and greatest that would knock my socks off.

Never-the-less, I reluctantly played the encouraging video and as I suspected there was nothing new. I had read and listened to these words hundreds of times… However, because it was ageless wisdom and my life is consistently evolving, it blew my socks off, again! The words were relevant and a necessary way of thinking and living. I immediately became re-inspired and humbled, and it dawned on me that my way of thinking is the same thing that led Eve down the path of destruction. I was looking for the next best thing, the shiny and juicy red apple that would give me an advantage in life, but the truth is that the old and simple stuff was plenty good. In addition, good and bad habits are formed upon repetition and because the substance of the following inspiration by Simple Truth is vital to keeping a positive state of mind, I will continue to read, share, and try my best to live it. Here is what they suggest:

Wait to Worry– Only 8% of what we worry about comes true.

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength.
~ Charles Spurgeon

Keep an Attitude of Gratitude– Count your blessings and jot them down.

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. ~ William Arthur Ward

Your Health is Your Wealth– If you lose your health you lost everything. Take time to exercise, catch up on your sleep and eat well.

One of the main qualities it takes to be successful is energy….it may be the only thing.
~ Katharine Hepburn

Joy Boomerangs- Do something for someone else….the good you do boomerangs back to you!

If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else. ~ Booker T. Washington

Learn to Say “No”– We have limits to our time, energy and interests.

If we always say ‘yes,’ we run a greater danger of severing relationships than if we refuse right away. ~ Vicki Hitzges

Understand the Power of Discipline– If you discipline yourself today, you’ll enjoy your life tomorrow.

Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Surround Yourself with Positive People– Find people who will challenge you, believe in you, and inspire you to improve.

To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. ~ David Viscott

All in all, I do think it is important to be open to learning and exploring new things. Knowledge is power and a key component of growth, however I also believe that most humans struggle with contentment which keeps us chasing the next best thing and in a perpetual state of lack and unappreciation. Therefore, as we continue to seek new information, opportunities, and adventure, remember to keep it simple. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Most often our most sacred treasures are right under our noses, much like the video of the week below. In an attempt to find an inspirational video, I ran across this amazing website called improveverywhere.com, which features an improv group out of New York City who basically go around spreading joy… or at least that’s the way I interpreted it. The concept is basic yet hysterical, and having fun and regular laughter is definitely a necessary component to maintaining a positive attitude. Watch and tell us what you think!


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