The Secret is Exercise QUALITY Over Quantity

by Molly McCauley

by Molly McCauley

As I’m reading through my Jillian Michaels Making the Cut workout book, I came across a really great couple of paragraphs that I’d like to share with you all. It makes complete sense, and it is something we iGnite leaders try to emphasize throughout our classes. Of course we want to have fun, visit with friends, and make new friends (that’s what iGnite is all about!), but we also want to make sure we have proper form and technique with every exercise we do so that we don’t get injured and so that we see the results we are wanting and hoping to see!

Here’s the info from the book: (Don’t worry, I’m only going to give a little bit!)

So what constitutes proper form and technique? Precision, concentration, control and breathing.

Concentration: Concentrate on what you are doing and the specific muscle you are training. Your mind should be focused on the task at hand, isolating the muscle group you are working and really feeling the work you’re doing. To achieve maximum results, you must focus on the muscle you are training and make every rep count.

Control: You must perform your exercises through a full range of motion in a deliberate, steady manner.  This will ensure that you are stimulating the entire muscle, not just a portion of it.

Breathe: Not only is breathing essential for keeping your blood pressure steady, but it also promotes slow, controlled movements, which will max out your results. Additionally, by holding your breath during even a single repetition of an exercise, you are depriving your body of valuable oxygen and encouraging muscle fatigue.

There’s much more to be learned, of course, but let’s focus on these three components!  Keep up the hard work and keep iGniting!  

1 thought on “The Secret is Exercise QUALITY Over Quantity

  1. Pingback: Why EVERYONE Should Include Hill Running in Their Workouts | the iGnite blog

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